UC3::Add Use-Case
This use-case describes the steps necessary to for a user add a new use-case to the requirements model.
Document History
  1. Current Version1.4
  2. 1.1odlingsmee; 31 Jan 2006 ; Initial Revision
Basic Flow
  1. The business-analyst chooses a [RQ42] package for the new use-case.
  2. The business-analyst triggers Xuse to create a new use-case from a [RQ41] standard template.
  3. Xuse prompts the business-analyst to [RQ55] name the new use-case and [RQ54] provide a unique reference for it.
  4. Xuse [RQ49] validates that the use-case reference is unique.
  5. Xuse creates the new use-case from a template, inserting the new unique use-case id and naming according to the values provided by the business-analyst.
  6. The flow of events continues as per [UC4] .
  7. The use-case ends.
Alternative Flows
Use-case identifier not unique

At step 4 of the Main flow when Use-case identifier provided has already been used

  1. Xuse informs the actor of that the use-case identifier is not unique, and that they should enter a new use-case identifier
  2. The flow of events continues from step 3 of the Main flow.
Specific Requirements
  • [RQ42] Use-case package:Xuse shall provide the mechanism for classifying use-cases into packages. (implemented)
  • [RQ41] Use-case template:Xuse shall provide a new use-case template to save time when creating new use-cases. (implemented)
  • [RQ55] Use-case names:Xuse shall support names for use-cases in addition to use-case identifiers. The use-case name should convey the purpose of the use-case (implemented)
  • [RQ54] Unique use-case identifiers:Xuse shall support the concept of unique use-case identifiers. (implemented)
  • [RQ49] Duplicate Use-Case Validation:Xuse shall make sure that use-case identifiers are unique within the documentation set. (implemented)
Activity Diagram