UC4::Edit Use-Case
This use-case describes the steps necessary to for a user edit an existing use-case .
Document History
  1. Current Version1.4
  2. 1.1odlingsmee; 31 Jan 2006 ; Initial Revision
Basic Flow
  1. The business-analyst chooses a use-case to edit and opens it.
  2. The business-analyst edits the appropriate [RQ36] sections of the use-case .
  3. The business-analyst adds [RQ39] version information to the use-case giving detail of why and what has been modified and provides the date it has been modified.
  4. The business-analyst saves the use-case .
  5. The business-analyst commits the use-case to the [RQ56] version control system.
  6. The business-analyst [UC2] publishes the updated use-case.
  7. The use-case ends.
Alternative Flows
New use-case just created

At step 1 of the Main flow when New use-case just created

  1. The business-analyst has just [UC3] created a new use-case from a template.
  2. The flow of events continues from step 2 of the Main flow.
Version Control not used

At step 5 of the Main flow when version control system is not being used

  1. The business-analyst does not use version control and has to manually increment the version number of the use-case
  2. The flow of events continues from step 6 of the Main flow.
Specific Requirements
  • [RQ36] Use-case structure:Xuse shall support the following use-case structure: a use-case description, use-case properties, main flow, alternate flows and exception flows. (implemented)
  • [RQ39] Document versioning:Xuse shall provide facilities to record standard document versioning information such as version, author, date and change description. (implemented)
  • [RQ56] Version Control:Xuse shall allow easy integration with existing version control systems. Use of version control systems is not manadatory with Xuse but is possible (implemented)
  • [RQ28] Use-case relationships:Xuse shall support relationships between use-cases. (implemented)
  • [RQ29] use-case include: Xuse shall support use-case <<include>> relationships. (proposed)
  • [RQ30] use-case extend: Xuse shall support use-case <<extend>> relationships. (proposed)
  • [RQ31] use-case specialisation:Xuse should support use-case specialisation (inheritance). (proposed)
  • [RQ32] Document annotation:Xuse shall support document annotation to record thoughts and issues. (implemented)
  • [RQ33] Use-case annotation:Xuse shall support the annotation of use-case at a top level, property level as well as step level. (implemented)
  • [RQ37] Use-case properties:Xuse shall support the following properties to be held against a use-case : trigger; goal; primary-actor; secondary-actor(s); pre-requisites; success-outcome; failure-outcome; priority; and complexity. (implemented)
Activity Diagram