UC2::Manage Personal Details
This use-case describes the process whereby a user views and updates their personal demographic details stored on the system.
Document History
  1. Current Version1.8
  2. 1.1odlingsmee; 01 Jan 2006 ; Initial Revision
  3. 1.2odlingsmee; 23 May 2006 ; Upgraded to version 0.2
  4. 1.3odlingsmee; 19 Mar 2007 ; Upgraded to version 0.3
  5. 1.5odlingsmee; 19 Mar 2007 ; Add links to specific requirements
  6. 1.6odlingsmee; 17 Jan 2010 ; Assigned to release-1
  • TriggerThe user's personal information has changed or the user notices that the information held by the system is inaccurate or the user wishes to browse what information the system holds about them.
  • GoalTo allow the user to view and (where necesary) update their information on the system
  • Primary ActorUser
  • Pre-RequisitesThe user will be [UC1] Logged On.
  • Success OutcomeThe user's details will have been updated on the system.
  • Failure OutcomeThe user will have been informed of the validation or techinical issues that prevented the update from being successful
  • Priority1
  • Complexity1
  • target release release-1
  • Packageadmin
Basic Flow
  1. The system [RQ21] presents the user's personal information to them.
  2. The user notices that the information is incorrect and selects the "edit" option.
  3. The system presents the user with an [RQ22] editable view of their [RQ8] personal information. The editable fields include: [RQ9] first name; [RQ10] last nameand [RQ11] address.
  4. The user edits their details as appropriate
  5. The user submits the updated details to the system.
  6. The system validates that the details provide were [RQ12] allowable.
  7. The system saves the new details and presents the updated information back to the user in a read-only view.
  8. The use-case ends.
Alternative Flows
No changes to make

At step 3 of the Main flow when the user does not want to make changes

  1. The user decides not to make any updates.
  2. The use-case ends.
Validation Errors

At step 6 of the Main flow when the system finds that the new data entered fails validation

  1. The system presents the user with the details of the one or more validation errors that were encountered.
  2. The flow of events continues from step 5 of the Main flow.
Exception Flows
Record Update Error

At step 8 of the Main flow when there is an error updating the datastore

  1. The system cannot update the user's record because of an technical issue
  2. The system informs the user of the issue
  3. The use-case ends.
Specific Requirements
  • [RQ21] View personal demographic information:The system shall allow the user to view the demographic information it holds about them. (agreed)
  • [RQ22] Edit personal demographic information:The system shall allow the user to edit their personal demographic information. (agreed)
  • [RQ8] Personal Information:The system shall store certain personal information about each user on the system. (agreed)
  • [RQ9] First Name:The system shall store a first name against each user. (agreed)
  • [RQ10] Last Name:The system shall store a last name against each user. (agreed)
  • [RQ11] Address:The system shall store an address against each user. (agreed)
  • [RQ12] Names fields:Name fields should be at least one character in length. (agreed)
Activity Diagram