1. Ok it is installed - now what?
  2. How do I override some of Xuse's default paths and file names?
  3. What themes are there available for the xuse html site?
  4. Xuse is not generating diagrams - why?
  5. Graphviz is installed but my diagrams appear as garbage (XML) - what am I doing wrong?
  6. I keep seeing the FOP warning message: I/O exception while reading font cache (org.apache.fop.fonts.EmbedFontInfo; local class incompatible: stream... should I worry?
  7. Xuse keeps giving me validation warnings/errors telling me that the model version is not correct - what do I do?
  8. I have installed a new version of Xuse, but it seems to be runnning the previous version - what is happening?

Ok it is installed - now what?

To make changes to the generated output you will need to edit the XML - don't be afraid. See the getting started guide for more detail.

How do I change where the xuse working directory is?

You can change where the xuse working directory is via the xuse.properties file (If this file does not exist create it as a simple text file).

Add the entry:

(or the absolute path to where you want the working directory to be)

How do I override some of Xuse's default paths and file names?

You can change many of Xuse's properties via the xuse.properties file (If this file does not exist create it as a simple text file).

For more information please see the page describing Xuse's properties.

What themes are there available for the xuse html site?

Currently there are three themes available. To set the different themes use the property xuse.output.html.theme in xuse.properties.

Xuse is not generating diagrams - why?

You need to install Graphviz and make sure it is available on the PATH.

Graphviz is installed but my diagrams appear as garbage (XML) - what am I doing wrong?

If you are are using Internet Explorer there is no native support for SVG images. You need to install the Adobe SVG plugin (or equivalent). Firefox, Opera and Chrome support SVG natively.

I keep seeing the FOP warning message: I/O exception while reading font cache (org.apache.fop.fonts.EmbedFontInfo; local class incompatible: stream... should I worry?

This is a minor FOP annoyance: see the FOP FAQ for more information.

Xuse keeps giving me validation warnings/errors telling me that the model version is not correct - what do I do?

You need to upgrade to the latest version of the Xuse model. See the upgrade guide for details of how you do this.

I have installed a new version of Xuse, but it seems to be runnning the previous version - what is happening?

Older versions of Xuse required a local shell/batch script to be in the project directory. Newer versions of Xuse no longer need this at the script is added to the PATH and so can be run from any location. Please delete the xuse.bat or xuse.sh file from your project directory and run the command again.