Release Roadmap
This page contains a high level view of the release roadmap for Xuse: the latest official release is version 00.02.00, however an interim build for 01.00.00 has been published.
Version 00.01.00
Functionality |
Description |
Benefit |
Traceability |
Provide Requirements XSD |
Define the XML data model for requirements |
Can start to document software requirements |
RQ8 |
Provide Use-case XSD |
Define the XML data model for use-cases |
Can start to document scenarios with use-cases and introduce cross references between requirements and use cases. |
RQ3 and RQ8 |
Provide initial XSLTs |
Define HTML views on both the requirements model and use-cases |
Can start to publish views on the requirements and use-case models. |
RQ7 and RQ9 |
Provide the current set of Xuse requirements |
Document the core requirements of Xuse |
Prove that you are what you eat and use Xuse as a test bed for the data model. |
RQ10 |
Provide Maven 1.x plugin |
Create a Maven 1.x plugin capable of applying the XSLTs to the defined data model to provide the HTML views |
End users do not need to provide their own custom tooling to be able to. |
RQ11 |
Version 00.02.00
Functionality |
Description |
Benefit |
Traceability |
JavaDoc like view |
Provide a JavaDoc style view on the requirements and use-case model |
Introduces the concept of a simple navigable requirements model for effective communication. |
RQ12 and RQ0 |
Project Glossary |
Provide an extensible project glossary that is easy to manage |
Adds the repository and tools associated with a project glossary. |
RQ16 and RQ57 |
Internationalisation |
Allow for internationalisation |
Add user dictionaries and localisation facilities. |
RQ51 |
Upgrade Build Tools |
A new version of the Maven 1.x Plugin will be provided with support for documentation generation and XML model upgrade paths |
Allow early adaptors of Xuse to benefit from the new functionality. |
RQ11 and RQ21 |
Maven 2 support |
Add support for maven 2 users |
Support the growing community of maven 2 users. |
RQ63 |
Version 01.00.00
Functionality |
Description |
Benefit |
Traceability |
Vision document support |
Provide the necessary data model to support the creation of a Vision document |
For Xuse and other projects it will allow the for the project vision to be compiled and documented. |
RQ13 and RQ14 |
Vision document HTML View |
Provide the necessary XSLT to create an HTML view of the Vision Document |
Be able to communicate the Vision of the project. |
RQ19 |
PDF Use-cases |
Allow use-cases to be outputted into indvidual PDFs |
Will allow peeople to print individual use-cases and distribute them for review and or sign off. |
RQ58 |
Provide the necessary XSLT to create an HTML view of the SRS |
Start to build the primary artefact of the requirements process. |
RQ60 |
CSV Import/Export |
Provide mechanism for importing and exporting requirements and glossary terms via CSV |
Ease of requirement data entry and tool integration. |
RQ77 and RQ78 |
Generated Use-case Diagrams |
Provide mechanism for generating use-case diagrams from the model. |
Model visualisation and validation. |
Generated Activity Diagrams |
Provide mechanism for generating activity diagrams from the model. |
Use-case visualisation and validation. |
Version 02.00.00
Functionality |
Description |
Benefit |
Traceability |
PDF Vision Document |
Provide a PDF version of the vision document |
Introduces PDF as an alternative format for print
friendly documentation. |
Provide a PDF version of the SRS |
Allows formal documentation to be created from the project.
Notification register |
Provide a structure to allow notifications (e.g. email) to be documented |
Allows formal documentation of notifications to be created. |
Report Register |
Provide a structure to allow structured reports to be documented |
Allows formal documentation of reports that will be generated by the system. |
Data Dictionary |
Define and integrate an XML structure that allow data items to be formally specified |
Allows formal documentation of data/information items |
Release Register |
Provide a structure that defines releases associated with the project |
Allows items within the requirements model to reference releases to which they (may) relate. |
Requirement tracability graph |
Provide a graphical view of a requirement including related requirements, ancestor requirements and dependencies. |
Allows the impact of a changing requirement to be understood. |
RQ71 |