Release Roadmap

This page contains a high level view of the release roadmap for Xuse: the latest official release is version 00.02.00, however an interim build for 01.00.00 has been published.

Version 00.01.00

Functionality Description Benefit Traceability
Provide Requirements XSD Define the XML data model for requirements Can start to document software requirements RQ8
Provide Use-case XSD Define the XML data model for use-cases Can start to document scenarios with use-cases and introduce cross references between requirements and use cases. RQ3 and RQ8
Provide initial XSLTs Define HTML views on both the requirements model and use-cases Can start to publish views on the requirements and use-case models. RQ7 and RQ9
Provide the current set of Xuse requirements Document the core requirements of Xuse Prove that you are what you eat and use Xuse as a test bed for the data model. RQ10
Provide Maven 1.x plugin Create a Maven 1.x plugin capable of applying the XSLTs to the defined data model to provide the HTML views End users do not need to provide their own custom tooling to be able to. RQ11

Version 00.02.00

Functionality Description Benefit Traceability
JavaDoc like view Provide a JavaDoc style view on the requirements and use-case model Introduces the concept of a simple navigable requirements model for effective communication. RQ12 and RQ0
Project Glossary Provide an extensible project glossary that is easy to manage Adds the repository and tools associated with a project glossary. RQ16 and RQ57
Internationalisation Allow for internationalisation Add user dictionaries and localisation facilities. RQ51
Upgrade Build Tools A new version of the Maven 1.x Plugin will be provided with support for documentation generation and XML model upgrade paths Allow early adaptors of Xuse to benefit from the new functionality. RQ11 and RQ21
Maven 2 support Add support for maven 2 users Support the growing community of maven 2 users. RQ63

Version 01.00.00

Functionality Description Benefit Traceability
Vision document support Provide the necessary data model to support the creation of a Vision document For Xuse and other projects it will allow the for the project vision to be compiled and documented. RQ13 and RQ14
Vision document HTML View Provide the necessary XSLT to create an HTML view of the Vision Document Be able to communicate the Vision of the project. RQ19
PDF Use-cases Allow use-cases to be outputted into indvidual PDFs Will allow peeople to print individual use-cases and distribute them for review and or sign off. RQ58
SRS HTML View Provide the necessary XSLT to create an HTML view of the SRS Start to build the primary artefact of the requirements process. RQ60
CSV Import/Export Provide mechanism for importing and exporting requirements and glossary terms via CSV Ease of requirement data entry and tool integration. RQ77 and RQ78
Generated Use-case Diagrams Provide mechanism for generating use-case diagrams from the model. Model visualisation and validation.
Generated Activity Diagrams Provide mechanism for generating activity diagrams from the model. Use-case visualisation and validation.

Version 02.00.00

Functionality Description Benefit Traceability
PDF Vision Document Provide a PDF version of the vision document Introduces PDF as an alternative format for print friendly documentation. RQ6 and RQ59
PDF SRS Provide a PDF version of the SRS Allows formal documentation to be created from the project. RQ6 and RQ59
Notification register Provide a structure to allow notifications (e.g. email) to be documented Allows formal documentation of notifications to be created. RQ67
Report Register Provide a structure to allow structured reports to be documented Allows formal documentation of reports that will be generated by the system. RQ68
Data Dictionary Define and integrate an XML structure that allow data items to be formally specified Allows formal documentation of data/information items
Release Register Provide a structure that defines releases associated with the project Allows items within the requirements model to reference releases to which they (may) relate.
Requirement tracability graph Provide a graphical view of a requirement including related requirements, ancestor requirements and dependencies. Allows the impact of a changing requirement to be understood. RQ71