Xuse Installation Guide

This document covers a basic installation of Xuse. There are three alternative installs for Xuse:

Xuse with Maven 2.x

This section describes how to install Xuse and the Maven 2 plugin associated with it. After you have completed these steps you should have successfully obtained a copy of Xuse and built the template project documentation.


The following needs to be installed on your system before you can start

  1. Java 1.4.x SDK (Java 1.5 might work but this has not been tested): make sure you set the JAVA_HOME environment variable correctly. Note it has to be the SDK not the JRE for Maven to work correctly.
  2. Maven 2.x. Maven 2.0.5 is recommended
  3. Make sure Maven is up and running successfully before you proceed.
  4. For first time Maven users you will need to create the repository type mvn -v to initialise Maven

Download the released files

  1. Download the latest version of the Xuse release files (see downloads for more information)
  2. Copy the xuse.jar (e.g. xuse-00.02.RC3.jar) to the local Maven repository under the folder net/sourceforge/xuse/xuse/00.02.RC3.
  3. Copy the maven-xuse-m2-plugin-00.02.RC3 (e.g. maven-xuse-m2-plugin-00.02.RC3.jar) to the local Maven repository (e.g. C:/Documents and Settings/mike/.m2/repository) under the folder net/sourceforge/xuse/maven-xuse-m2-plugin/00.02.RC3 folder.

Getting Started

  1. Navigate to a directory of your choice (the parent directory of where your new project will be created)
  2. type the following command:
    mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=net.sourceforge.xuse \
    	-DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-xuse-m2-plugin \
    	-DarchetypeVersion=00.02.RC3 \
    	-DgroupId=<your.groupId> \
  3. cd into PROJECT_BASEDIR.
  4. A new project structure will have been created. You will find a sample requirements repository under PROJECT_BASEDIR/src/requirements/xuse-requirements.xml. Two example use-cases can also be found under PROJECT_BASEDIR/src/use-cases in the relevant sub-directories.
  5. From the PROJECT_BASEDIR type the following command:
    	mvn net.sourceforge.xuse:maven-xuse-m2-plugin:xuse
  6. This will generate the HTML documentation.
  7. Open up the HTML file at PROJECT_BASEDIR/target/docs/xuse/index.html and navigate through the examples.
  8. Congratulations Xuse is installed correctly.

Test Environment

The steps in this guide have been tested on the following:

  • Java 1.4.2_08
  • Saxon 8.7
  • Maven 2.0.5
  • Windows XP Professional SP2

Xuse with Maven 1.x

This section describes how to install Xuse and the Maven plugin associated with it. After you have completed these steps you should have successfully obtained a copy of Xuse and built the template project documentation.


The following needs to be installed on your system before you can start

  1. Java 1.4.x SDK (Java 1.5 might work but this has not been tested): make sure you set the JAVA_HOME environment variable correctly. Note it has to be the SDK not the JRE for Maven to work correctly.
  2. Maven 1.x. Maven 1.0.2 is recommended - Xuse has not yet been tested on Maven 1.1
  3. Make sure Maven is up and running successfully before you proceed.
  4. For first time Maven users you will need to create the repository type Maven -v to initialise Maven

Download the released files

  1. Download the latest version of the Xuse release files (see downloads for more information)
  2. Copy the xuse.jar (e.g. xuse-00.02.RC3.jar) to the local Maven repository under the folder xuse/jars.
  3. Copy the Maven-xuse-plugin.jar (e.g. Maven-xuse-plugin-00.02.RC3.jar) to MAVEN_HOME/plugins folder where MAVEN_HOME is the directory where Maven is installed.

Getting Started

  1. Navigate to a directory of your choice
  2. Create a new directory for your new requirements project and cd into this directory (Note this directory will be known as the PROJECT_BASEDIR for the remainder of this guide).
  3. type the following command:
    	Maven xuse:new-project
  4. A new project structure will have been created. You will find a sample requirements repository under PROJECT_BASEDIR/src/requirements/xuse-requirements.xml. Two example use-cases can also be found under PROJECT_BASEDIR/src/use-cases in the relevant sub-directories.
  5. From the PROJECT_BASEDIR type the following command:
    	Maven xuse
  6. This will generate the HTML documentation.
  7. Open up the HTML file at PROJECT_BASEDIR/target/docs/xuse/index.html and navigate through the examples.
  8. Congratulations Xuse is installed correctly.

Test Environment

The steps in this guide have been tested on the following:

  • Java 1.4.2_08
  • Saxon 8.7
  • Maven 1.0.2
  • Windows XP Professional SP2

Xuse standalone

This section describes how to install Xuse in a standalone fashion - i.e. run Xuse directly from the command line.


The following needs to be installed on your system before you can start

  1. Java 1.4.x JRE/SDK (Java 1.5 might work but this has not been tested).
  2. Saxon 8.7 downloaded and available on the CLASSPATH.

Download the released files

  1. Download the latest version of the Xuse.jar (see downloads for more information)
  2. Make sure xuse.jar (e.g. xuse-00.02.RC3.jar) is available on the CLASSPATH.

Getting Started

  1. Navigate to a directory of your choice
  2. Create a new directory for your new requirements project and cd into this directory (Note this directory will be known as the PROJECT_BASEDIR for the remainder of this guide).
  3. type the following command:
    	java net.sourceforge.xuse.Xuse xuse:new-project
  4. A new project structure will have been created. You will find a sample requirements repository under PROJECT_BASEDIR/src/requirements/xuse-requirements.xml. Two example use-cases can also be found under PROJECT_BASEDIR/src/use-cases in the relevant sub-directories.
  5. From the PROJECT_BASEDIR type the following command:
    	java net.sourceforge.xuse.Xuse xuse
  6. This will generate the HTML documentation.
  7. Open up the HTML file at PROJECT_BASEDIR/target/docs/xuse/index.html and navigate through the examples.
  8. Congratulations Xuse is installed correctly.

Classpath Issues

If you are having problems setting up the CLASSPATH correctly you might want to try the following:

  1. Navigate to a directory of your choice
  2. Create a new directory for your new requirements project and cd into this directory (Note this directory will be known as the PROJECT_BASEDIR for the remainder of this guide).
  3. Create the folder PROJECT_BASEDIR/lib and copy both Xuse.jar and saxon.jar into it.
  4. Type the following command:
    java -cp lib/xuse-00.02.RC3.jar;lib/saxon-8.7.jar  \
    	net.sourceforge.xuse.Xuse xuse:new-project
  5. To generate the HTML documentation the command would be:
    java -cp lib/xuse-00.02.RC3.jar;lib/saxon-8.7.jar \
    	net.sourceforge.xuse.Xuse xuse

Test Environment

The steps in this guide have been tested on the following:

  • Java 1.4.2_08 (SDK)
  • Saxon 8.7
  • Windows XP Professional SP2